


OPENSEARCH_DSL is used to configure the connections to opensearch. It must at least define a 'default' connection with a given 'hosts':

    'default': {
        'hosts': 'localhost:9200'

OPENSEARCH_DSL is passed to opensearchpy.connection.connections.configure() .


Default: {}

Additional options passed to the opensearch-py Index settings (like number_of_replicas or number_of_shards). See Opensearch's index settings for more information.


Default: False

Set to True to force an index refresh with update.


Default: False

Run indexing in parallel using OpenSearch's parallel_bulk() method. Note that some databases (e.g. SQLite) do not play well with this option.


Default: 4096

Size of the chunk used when indexing data. Can be overridden by setting queryset_pagination inside Document' s Django subclass.


Default: True

Set to False to globally disable auto-syncing.

See Autosync for more information.

The autosync operations can be customized using OPENSEARCH_DSL_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR setting.


Default: django_opensearch_dsl.signals.RealTimeSignalProcessor.

This (optional) setting controls what SignalProcessor class is used to handle Django’s signals and keep the indices up-to-date. While some builtin choices are provided, you can also define your own by subclassing django_opensearch_dsl.signals.BaseSignalProcessor.

Builtin choices are:

  • django_opensearch_dsl.signals.RealTimeSignalProcessor

Operations are processed synchronously as soon as the signal is emitted.

  • django_opensearch_dsl.signals.CelerySignalProcessor

Uses Celery to process the operations asynchronously.


Default: django.core.serializers.json.DjangoJSONEncoder.

When using asynchronous signal processor such as CelerySignalProcessor, the instance will probably be deleted from the database by the time the operation is processed. Since django-opensearch-dsl need a relies on the database to do most of its operation, the instance will be serialized by the signal and deserialized by the processor to keep a valid instance.

This serialization process can be customized using this setting. See Django's serialization documentation for more information.



Use by the processor to deserialize the data serialized by the signal. See OPENSEARCH_DSL_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR_SERIALIZER_CLASS for more information.