Management Command


usage: opensearch [-h] [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
                            [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color]
                            [--force-color] {list,index,document} ...

Allow to create and delete indices, as well as indexing, updating, or deleting specific
documents from specific indices.

positional arguments:
    list                Show all available indices (and their state) for the current project.
    index               Manage the creation and deletion of indices.
    document            Manage the indexation and creation of documents.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3}
                        Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output,
                        3=very verbose output
  --settings SETTINGS   The Python path to a settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main".
                        If this isn't provided, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable
                        will be used.
  --pythonpath PYTHONPATH
                        A directory to add to the Python path, e.g. "/home/djangoprojects/myproject".
  --traceback           Raise on CommandError exceptions
  --no-color            Don't colorize the command output.
  --force-color         Force colorization of the command output

Indices and documents can be managed through the opensearch management command. This command contains 3 subcommands :

  • index - Manage indices creation / deletion.
  • list - List for each application which indices are created or not, as well as the number of documents indexed for created indices.
  • document - Manage documents creation / deletion / update.

index Subcommand


usage: opensearch index [-h] [--force] [--ignore-error]
                                  {create,delete,rebuild} [INDEX [INDEX ...]]

Manage the creation and deletion of indices.

positional arguments:
                        Whether you want to create, update, delete or rebuild the indices. Update
                        allow you to update your indices mappings if you modified them after
                        creation. This should be done prior to indexing new document with dynamic
                        mapping (enabled by default), a default mapping with probably the wrong type
                        would be created for any new field.

  INDEX                 Only manage the given indices.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --force               Do not ask for confirmation.
  --ignore-error        Do not stop on error.


This command takes a mandatory positional argument:

  • create - Create the indices.
  • delete - Delete the indices.
  • rebuild - Rebuild (delete then create) the indices.
  • update - Try to update the mapping of the indices.

The command can also take any number of optional positional arguments which are the names of the indices that should be created/deleted. If no index is provided, the action is applied to all indices.

Use the --force options to bypass the confirmation step, and use the --ignore-error option to not stop on error (such as trying to create an already created index).

list Subcommand

The list subcommand displays a summary of each index, indicated whether they are created or not, and the number of document indexed.

Sample output :

[X] country (0 documents)
[ ] continent
[X] event (2361 documents)

document Subcommand


usage: opensearch document [-h] [-f [FILTERS [FILTERS ...]]]
                                     [-e [EXCLUDES [EXCLUDES ...]]] [--force]
                                     [-i [INDICES [INDICES ...]]] [-c COUNT]
                                     [-p] [-r] [-m] {index,delete,update}

Manage the indexation and creation of documents.

positional arguments:
                        Whether you want to create, delete or rebuild the indices.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [FILTERS [FILTERS ...]], --filters [FILTERS [FILTERS ...]]
                        Filter object in the queryset. Argument must be formatted as 
                        '[lookup]=[value]', e.g. 'document_date__gte=2020-05-21. The accepted
                        value type are:
                            - 'None' ('[lookup]=')
                            - 'float' ('[lookup]=1.12')
                            - 'int' ('[lookup]=23')
                            - '' ('[lookup]=2020-10-08')
                            - 'list' ('[lookup]=1,2,3,4') Value between comma ',' can be of any
                              other accepted value type
                            - 'str' ('[lookup]=week')
                        Values that didn't match any type above will be interpreted as a str.
                        The list of lookup function can be found here:
  -e [EXCLUDES [EXCLUDES ...]], --excludes [EXCLUDES [EXCLUDES ...]]
                        Exclude objects from the queryset. Argument must be formatted as
                        '[lookup]=[value]', see '--filters' for more information.
  --force               Do not ask for confirmation.
  -i [INDICES [INDICES ...]], --indices [INDICES [INDICES ...]]
                        Only update documents on the given indices.
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        Update at most COUNT objects (0 to index everything).
  -p, --parallel        Parallelize the communication with Opensearch.
  -r, --refresh         Make operations performed on the indices immediately available for search.
  -m, --missing         When used with 'index' action, only index documents not indexed yet.


This command allows you to index your model into Opensearch. It takes a required positional argument :

  • index Index the documents, already indexed documents will be reindexed if you do not use the --missing option.
  • delete Documents will be deleted from the index.
  • update Update already indexed documents.

Choosing indices

The default behavior is to apply the action to every registered index. You can choose which indices you want to apply the action on using the --indices option.

Choosing data

The data used for the action will retrieve using the get_indexing_queryset() and get_queryset() method of your Document subclass (see Indexing data). You can use the --filters and --excludes options to filter down the queryset. These options take argument formatted like kwargs given to the filter() and exclude() QuerySet's method ([lookup]=[value]).

For instance, if you want to index only the models created in 2020, you can do -f creation_date__gte=2020-01-01 creation_date__lte=2020-12-31. If you want to delete all text not containing the word "fruit", you can do -e content__icontains=fruit.

For the list of lookup functions, see QuerySet's fields lookup.

Values are parsed in different types according to how they are formatted. Accepted types are:

  • None ([lookup]=)
  • float ([lookup]=1.12)
  • int ([lookup]=23)
  • datetime.datetime ([lookup]=2020-10-08) - Must be a valid ISO 8601 date.
  • list ([lookup]=1,2,3,4) - Value between comma , can be of any other accepted value type.

Values that didn't match any type above will be interpreted as an str.

Caution: The given lookup must be valid for all indices, i.e. for every index, given filters/excludes must be valid for the attached Model. Use the --indices option to choose which indices you want to apply the action on.

Finally, you can use the --count [COUNT] option to index/delete/update only up to COUNT document per index.

Other Options

  • --refresh - Make operations performed on the indices immediately available for search. See Refresh API for more information.
  • --force - Bypass confirmation step.
  • --parallel - Parallelize the communication with Opensearch.