Getting started


The easiest way to install django-opensearch-dsl is through pip:

  • pip install django-opensearch-dsl

Then add django_opensearch_dsl to your INSTALLED_APPS settings.

You must then define OPENSEARCH_DSL in your Django settings.

For example:

    'default': {
        'hosts': 'localhost:9200'
    'secure': {
        'hosts': [{"scheme": "https", "host": "", "port": 9201}],
        'http_auth': ("admin", "password"),
        'timeout': 120,

OPENSEARCH_DSL is then passed to opensearchpy.connection.connections.configure .

Create Document Classes

To index instances of the following model :


class Car(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()
    color = models.CharField()
    description = models.TextField()
    type = models.IntegerField(choices=[
        (1, "Sedan"),
        (2, "Truck"),
        (4, "SUV"),

First create a subclass of django_opensearch_dsl.Document containing the subclasses Index (which define the index' settings) and Django (which contains settings related to your django Model). Finally, register the class using registry.register_document() decorator.

It is required to define Document classes inside a file named in your apps' directory.


from django_opensearch_dsl import Document
from django_opensearch_dsl.registries import registry
from .models import Car

class CarDocument(Document):
    class Index:
        name = 'cars'  # Name of the Opensearch index
        settings = {  # See Opensearch Indices API reference for available settings
            'number_of_shards': 1,
            'number_of_replicas': 0
        # Configure how the index should be refreshed after an update.
        # See Opensearch documentation for supported options.
        # This per-Document setting overrides settings.OPENSEARCH_DSL_AUTO_REFRESH.
        auto_refresh = False

    class Django:
        model = Car  # The model associated with this Document        
        fields = [  # The fields of the model you want to be indexed in Opensearch
        # Paginate the Django queryset used to populate the index with the specified size
        # This per-Document setting overrides settings.OPENSEARCH_DSL_QUERYSET_PAGINATION.
        queryset_pagination = 5000

Create and Populate Opensearch's Indices

To create indices, use the opensearch index management command :

  • python opensearch index create

and to populate the indices, use the opensearch document management command :

  • python3 opensearch document index

See management commands for more information.

To get an opensearch-py Search instance, use:

s ="term", color="red")

# or

s ="match", description="beautiful")

for hit in s:
    print("Car name : {}, description {}".format(, hit.description))

The previous example returns a result specific to opensearch-py, but it is also possible to convert the opensearch result into a real Django queryset, just be aware that this costs a SQL request to retrieve the model instances with the ids returned by the opensearch query.

s ="term", color="blue")[:30]
qs = s.to_queryset()
# qs is just a django queryset and it is called with order_by to keep
# the same order as the opensearch result.
for car in qs: